The GSA has been meeting informally for at least ten years at the West Bend high school. The group acts as a support structure and place of discussion for GLBTQ-identified folks and their allies. As homophobic bullying and abuse run as rampant as ever, the West Bend school board voted down the proposal to make the club official, clearly conveying that they didn't think the club was morally appropriate or at least not important to them. Operating without official status means the GSA cannot use school mediums to promote their group and is barred from receiving donations.
During the board meeting, Dave Weigand, a local ultra-conservative and bigot, commented that members of the GSA could seek out psychiatrists who could help them cure their homosexual lifestyle. Besides one member of the board, all those who were in favor only did so because they were afraid to go to court, lose the battle, and lose lots of money. Most of them repeated that they "do not agree with the homosexual lifestyle."
Queer liberation is necessary. Resistance is vital. These bigots think they can control and destroy our community, can push their homophobic and oppressive agenda without any resistance. West Bend is, after all, known for it's consistent gay-bashing, racism, fiscal wealth, and conservative power. We must come together and show them they are not welcome.
Here's a relevant article from a friend.
Here's a relevant article form an enemy.
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